|  |  | | Prerequisite: (None)
This course explores the topic of management in terms of current management concepts, trends and practices and the historical foundations and development of management thought. The course introduces the student to many management concepts such as: organizations, managers and their levels, types, roles and skills, organizational and managerial performance, performance effectiveness and efficiency, the external and internal environment, competitive advantage, environmental uncertainty and complexity, business sustainability and innovation while highlighting and exploring the four main management functions ( i.e. planning , organizing , leading and controlling).
| Business Management | Bachelor of Business Management | 1.Bachelor | Business Management | Bachelor of Business Management |
|  |  | | Prerequisite: (1607150)
This course is designed to introduce students to the research methods that can be used in most business research and other researches related to the social phenomenon. The areas that will be covered include: introduction to the scientific method, research process, ethics in research, research design, measurement, sampling, data collection, analysis, interpretation and report writing. | Business Management | Bachelor of Business Management | 1.Bachelor | Business Management | Bachelor of Business Management |
|  |  | | Prerequisite: (1601102)
This course deals with human behavior in a variety of organizations. Conceptual frameworks, case discussions, and skill-oriented activities are applied to each topic. Topics include communications, motivation, group dynamics, leadership, power, the influence of technology, and organizational design and development. Class sessions and assignments are intended to help students acquire the skills that managers need to improve organizational relationships and performance and understanding of basic and fundamental concepts of organizational behavior (OB). The course will increase student awareness of the theoretical and practical aspects of OB. | Business Management | Bachelor of Business Management | 1.Bachelor | Business Management | Bachelor of Business Management |
|  |  | | Prerequisite: (None)
Operations research helps in solving problems in various environments that needs decisions. Coverage is topical and will include Fundamental decision theory models, decision tree, linear programming, transportation, assignments, and network models (PERT & CPM). | Business Management | Bachelor of Business Management | 1.Bachelor | Business Management | Bachelor of Business Management |
|  |  | | Prerequisite: (None)
This course is designed to give students a comprehensive view of communication, its scope and importance in business, and the role of communication in establishing a favourable outside the firm environment, as well as an effective internal communications program. The various types of business communication media are covered. This course also develops an awareness of the importance of succinct written expression to modern business communication. | Business Management | Bachelor of Business Management | 1.Bachelor | Business Management | Bachelor of Business Management |
|  |  | | Prerequisite: (None)
The course analyzes the international business environment, discusses the strategies and operations of multinational firms, the international trade concepts, and the management of the various functional activities of the multinational firm | Business Management | Bachelor of Business Management | 1.Bachelor | Business Management | Bachelor of Business Management |
|  |  | | Prerequisite: (None)
The course introduces the concept of Supply Chains (SC), and explores the key issues associated with the design and management of industrial supply chains. The course will therefore consider the efficient integration of suppliers, manufacturers, warehouses and stores to maximise the speed and quality of product delivery. | Business Management | Bachelor of Business Management | 1.Bachelor | Business Management | Bachelor of Business Management |
|  |  | | Prerequisite: (None)
This course focuses on presenting and discussing the various principles and concepts of Human Resources Management. It stresses the policies, programs and methods that have been developed and implemented successfully in the field. This course includes the discussion of the various functional activities of Human Resource Management such as planning, recruitment, selection, job analysis, performance appraisal, training and development, compensation, career planning and promotion, safety and health, and labor relations.
| Business Management | Bachelor of Business Management | 1.Bachelor | Business Management | Bachelor of Business Management |
|  |  | | Prerequisite: (None)
This is an undergraduate-level course that aims at providing students with the opportunity to appreciate the importance of managing an organization strategically, through examining both: the external opportunities and threats facing it, as well as the internal strengths and weaknesses shaping its capabilities and competencies. It equips students with the practical skills needed to conduct a comprehensive SWOT and Situation analysis, synthesize the outcomes of such an analysis by generating feasible strategies through a TOWS matrix, and evaluate existing ones. It also provides a thorough discussion of corporate, business, and functional strategies and their subtypes. The course concludes with practical managerial issues related to strategy implementation and control. | Business Management | Bachelor of Business Management | 1.Bachelor | Business Management | Bachelor of Business Management |
|  |  | | Prerequisite: (None)
This course provides a thoughtful, practical guide to the process of successfully launching and growing an entrepreneurial firm. To do this, the module provides students with a thorough analysis of the entrepreneurial process. | Business Management | Bachelor of Business Management | 1.Bachelor | Business Management | Bachelor of Business Management |
|  |  | | Prerequisite: (1601311)
This course provides knowledge and insights on the basic concepts and principles of Operations and Production Management in both manufacturing and service settings. In addition, the course aims at developing students' skills in using quantitative methods to solve and analyze problems related to Operations Management. Furthermore, the course focuses in preparing students for future operations related careers, and exposing them to the complexity of decision making in real life. The focus on the operations perspective aims at providing the students with sufficient insights on the crucial role of operations to achieving a competitive advantage and increasing profitability. | Business Management | Bachelor of Business Management | 1.Bachelor | Business Management | Bachelor of Business Management |
| |  | | Prerequisite: (1601413)
This course covers the following topics: aggregate planning and scheduling systems, intermittent scheduling, project management, inventory control fundamentals, inventory control applications, material requirements planning, quality control, total quality management, maintenance, and management information systems. | Business Management | Bachelor of Business Management | 1.Bachelor | Business Management | Bachelor of Business Management |
|  |  | | Prerequisite: (None)
The course introduces the concept of Total quality management (TQM), and explores the key issues associated with the quality management tools and implementations. The course will therefore consider the quality management development, problem solving, total quality tools, and continuous improvement methods. | Business Management | Bachelor of Business Management | 1.Bachelor | Business Management | Bachelor of Business Management |
|  |  | | Prerequisite: (None)
This course will develop your knowledge and understanding of contemporary theories and practices of knowledge management (KM) by examining the relationship between a theoretical understanding of knowledge management and real-life situations and by integrating different dimensions of knowledge management arising from human resource management, information systems and strategic management. The course will explain the concept of `intellectual capital’ and how it is managed and exploited in organizations. The course will demonstrate a critical understanding of knowledge management policies and strategies in organizations that enhance effectiveness. You will be able to apply a range of transferable skills including literature search, analytical skills, application of theory to real-life situations, teamwork, motivation and interpersonal skills. | Business Management | Bachelor of Business Management | 1.Bachelor | Business Management | Bachelor of Business Management |
|  |  | | Prerequisite: (1601311)
This course will teach students the art and science of effective project management – how to get things done in organizations. Students will learn and apply behavioral and managerial approaches to plan and execute effective projects. Advanced topics will also be studied during this course including risk management, project scheduling and crashing. | Business Management | Bachelor of Business Management | 1.Bachelor | Business Management | Bachelor of Business Management |
| |  | |
Prerequisite: (None) The course includes the following subjects: introduction to the health system, its services and organization ; the special features of health care organizations, constraints and problems; hospitals as the focal point of health cave systems, managed and organizations;) contemporary issues of the health sector need to be addressed such as quality, cost, competition and marketing of Health Services. | Business Management | Bachelor of Business Management | 1.Bachelor | Business Management | Bachelor of Business Management |
|  |  | | Prerequisite: (None)
The course overviews the dynamics of hospitality organizations service delivery and how it operates in a certain economic and social environments, with a focus on some tourism aspects, hotels industry, and food and beverage operations. | Business Management | Bachelor of Business Management | 1.Bachelor | Business Management | Bachelor of Business Management |
|  |  | | Prerequisite: (None)
This course explores the topic of business ethics and ethical issues within today’s business context. Topics include the definition of business ethics and how it developed as a field of study, the role of stakeholder relationships in business ethics, ethical issues and dilemmas facing the business community, the institutionalization of business ethics, the ethical decisions making process within the business context, individual factors (e.g. moral philosophies) that affect ethical decisions in business and finally organizational factors that affect ethical decisions in business such as organizational culture and structure. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of these topics given their future potential role as members of the workforce. | Business Management | Bachelor of Business Management | 1.Bachelor | Business Management | Bachelor of Business Management |
|  |  | | Prerequisite: (None)
Regulating and organizing the relationship between the owners and the managers of business organizations, through the boards of directors, is considered one of the critical issues that are required in order to ensure that the interests of the primary stakeholders of the organization (the owners/stockholders) are best served and that the practices of managers are transparent and known. Based on this, this course aims at clarifying the concept of corporate governance, in an effort designed to familiarize the students with the modern foundations, which should be adhered to, when managing business organizations in a fair, transparent, and equitable manner that seeks to achieve the interests of various stakeholders. | Business Management | Bachelor of Business Management | 1.Bachelor | Business Management | Bachelor of Business Management |
|  |  | | Prerequisite: (None)
The issue of maintaining a state of continuous equilibrium and match between an organization and its external environment is considered to be a critical condition for the survivability of the organization and the sustainability of its competitiveness. In addition, the manner in which the organization is able to deal with the sources of change and crises surrounding it in the external environment determines its success or failure. Thus, this course aims at discussing the best tools and techniques that can be used to enable organizations to deal with its changing reality affecting them | Business Management | Bachelor of Business Management | 1.Bachelor | Business Management | Bachelor of Business Management |
|  |  | | Prerequisite: (1602102)
This course aims to provide the principles and basic concepts of financial management such as: the role and the environment of financial management, how to prepare the financial statements and analyze them, understanding the concept of time value of money and how to calculate each of present and future value of money. It also provides the basics of calculating the risk and return for both individual security and investment portfolio. It provides a fundamental explanation for the most important financial models; the capital asset pricing model. In addition, it introduces the students to different types of financial securities traded in financial markets such as common stocks, preferred stocks and bonds and helps students to understand how to use the suitable capital budgeting techniques and make the relevant investment decisions. | Finance | Bachelor of Finance | 1.Bachelor | Finance | Bachelor of Finance |
|  |  | | Prerequisite: (1607150)
This course improves the ability of the student to utilize quantitative approaches in the analysis of information from financial markets. Furthermore, to improve the student's ability to comprehend results presented in scientific financial journals. The course covers econometric research approaches found in modern financial literature. | Finance | Bachelor of Finance | 1.Bachelor | Finance | Bachelor of Finance |
|  |  | | Pre-requisites: None
The primary goal of this subject is to learn how to create managers’ “inside information” from analysing publicly available financial statement data. The subject is designed to equip the students with the skills of effective financial statement analysis to meet the challenge of the competitive business world. The subject is aimed at students with broad business career interests as well as those specializing in the accounting and finance field. The subject will commence with the introduction of the framework for financial statement analysis involving discussions on the roles of accounting information and intermediaries in the economy, and how financial analysis can create value in well-functioning markets. Afterwards, the subject topics will mainly cover the areas of how those business analyses and valuation frameworks can be applied to a variety of decisions. Cases and problems will be introduced gradually, and will provoke analytical and creative thinking of the subject participants. | Finance | Bachelor of Finance | 1.Bachelor | Finance | Bachelor of Finance |
|  |  | | Prerequisite:(1603211)
This course explains the various aspects of entrepreneurial finance as; the basic concepts of entrepreneurial finance, the financial analysis of entrepreneurial institutions; and valuation of entrepreneurial institutions. | Finance | Bachelor of Finance | 1.Bachelor | Finance | Bachelor of Finance |
|  |  | | Prerequisite: (1603211)
This course aims at providing the basic concepts of investment management such as: the different types of financial securities (common stocks, preferred stocks and bonds) and the risk and return. In addition, it helps in valuing assets and managing investment portfolios. It also provides the basics of calculating the risk and return for both individual security and investment portfolio. It provides a fundamental explanation of diversification and asset allocation.
| Finance | Bachelor of Finance | 1.Bachelor | Finance | Bachelor of Finance |
|  |  | | Prerequisite: (1603211)
This Course attempts to provide students with the basic concepts and skills in Microfinance. It also aims to develop student’s understanding of the main objectives of microfinance and its role in economic development.
| Finance | Bachelor of Finance | 1.Bachelor | Finance | Bachelor of Finance |
|  |  | | Prerequisite: (1603211)
The aim of this course is to offer a unique approach to understanding bank management. It starts with roles banks play in the economy and see how recent trends in banking can affects a bank’s manager decision making, and proceeds to the financial statements of a bank, the structure of banking system in Jordan, and measuring bank performance. In addition, this course examines how banks manage the different types of bank’s risks: interest rate, liquidity, credit and capital. | Finance | Bachelor of Finance | 1.Bachelor | Finance | Bachelor of Finance |
|  |  | | Pre-requisites: 1603211
This course deals with the basic concepts of insurance, risk and risk management and the legal and contractual provisions that should exist in the insurance contract. The course also discusses the general operations of the insurance company, while focusing on the different types of insurance mechanisms. | Finance | Bachelor of Finance | 1.Bachelor | Finance | Bachelor of Finance |
|  |  | | Prerequisite: (1603211)
This course completes, in-depth, the topics discussed in the introductory courses: principles of financial management and investments management. In addition, this course deals with many other financial subjects such as: the agency problem, leverage, the trade-off between risk and return, and working capital management. Some other important financing and investment decisions such as when to replace an asset, lease or buy, and the cost of capital, are explained. | Finance | Bachelor of Finance | 1.Bachelor | Finance | Bachelor of Finance |
|  |  | | Pre-requisites: 1603333 Bank Management
Advanced Banking introduces students to issues relevant to banking theory. The course examines the role of the banking system in an economy as well as the operation and management of banks. In doing so, the course focuses on the theoretical concepts behind the specialness of banks and the possible factors leading to financial crises with a detailed discussion of the recent subprime meltdown. In addition, this course introduces students to some special issues regarding bank governance, regulation and financial innovation.
| Finance | Bachelor of Finance | 1.Bachelor | Finance | Bachelor of Finance |