School of Business:: The University of Jordan :: The school of business congratulates Dr. Rima Wahid Al-Hasan

Schools Acheivements


The school of business congratulates Dr. Rima Wahid Al-Hasan

The school of Business would like to congratulate Dr. Rima Wahid Al-Hasan, Assistant professor at the Department of Business Administration at the University of Jordan, on receiving the outstanding doctoral research award, in which her research has been chosen as “the highly commended winner of the 2020 EFMD/ Emerald outstanding doctoral research award” in the category of operations and production management. This award is given by two international institutions: Emerald publishing and the EFMD (The European Foundation for Management Development), and supported by the International Journal of production and operations management / IJOPM (ISI Journal) as the research was recognized by the editors of the IJOPM as outstanding. This award highlights the contributions of her research in the category of operations and production management. 

Congratulations on your achievement, we wish you more success in the future